We help individuals achieve their career goals.


Navigating the rocks of life can be tricky.  Some steps might be easy, some might be hard and slippery, and some might lead to dead ends.  Finding the right guide can be a challenge.

  • Have you struggled to find someone that understood your unique situation and challenges? 
  • Have you experienced counselors that could help you with your resume but nothing else?
  • Are you stuck in that great first job that turned out to be not so great?
  • Have you tried a counselor that was more interested in learning about your past than helping you find your future?
  • Have you finished a first or second career and are now contemplating an encore career?
  • Are you a student seeking the right university or advanced degree?

If any of the above questions apply to you, then we can help.  At Quantum Career Consulting, we are dedicated to helping our clients navigate the rocks of life to achieve their professional and career goals.  Using industry-leading assessments, we help our clients learn about their strengths, weaknesses, interests, and professional opportunities.  We then help them create individual professional action plans to chart a path to achieve their personal and professional goals. For example, we can help you create a social media brand to showcase your career experiences and help you understand the most highly sought after attributes in corporate America.  Our services are tailored to fit your situation and your needs.

For more information about our services, call (804) 297-7857 or click EMAIL to contact: tonya.osmond@quantumcareerconsulting.com. 

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